
2023年即将结束,这一年对我来说充满了挑战和成长。回想起来,我仿佛经历了一段艰辛的旅程,但也收获了许多意外的惊喜。 阮一峰的这篇网络日志带给我很大的共鸣。他提到了“没有目的地,向前走”,这句话深深触动了我内心深处的某一根弦。我常常在职业道路上追求成功和进步,心急于找到一个确定的目标。但我始终忽略了人生就像一场旅行,美丽的风景并非只存在于终点,而是沿途的点点滴滴。 2023年对我而言,是一个充满变革和探索的年份。在这一年里,我从一个普通的员工逐渐成长为一个有自己思考和决策能力的职场人。我学会了面对挑战,勇敢地去尝试新的事物。我放下了对目标的焦虑,开始享受过程中的各种收获和成长。

BaseCamp 公司创始人 Jason Fried 的一篇短文,题目就叫《我从来没有目标》。

I can’t remember having a goal. An actual goal. 我不记得有什么目标。一个实际的目标。

There are things I’ve wanted to do, but if I didn’t do them I’d be fine with that too. There are targets that would have been nice to hit, but if I didn’t hit them I wouldn’t look back and say I missed them. 有些事情我一直想做,但如果我不做,我也没关系。有些目标本来很好击中,但如果我没有击中它们,我不会回头说我错过了它们。

I don’t aim for things that way. 我的目标不是那样。

I do things, I try things, I build things, I want to make progress, I want to make things better for me, my company, my family, my neighborhood, etc. But I’ve never set a goal. It’s just not how I approach things. 我做事,我尝试事,我建造,我想要取得进步,我想让事情对我、我的公司、我的家庭、我的邻居等变得更好。但我从来没有设定过目标。这不是我处理事情的方式。

A goal is something that goes away when you hit it. Once you’ve reached it, it’s gone. You could always set another one, but I just don’t function in steps like that. 目标是当你达到目标时就会消失的东西。一旦你到达了它,它就消失了。你总是可以设置另一个,但我只是不按这样的步骤操作。

When you shift from 1st to 2nd, 1st is behind you. Then from 2nd to 3rd, 2nd is behind you. I approach things continuously, not in stops. I just want to keep going — whatever happens along the way is just what happens. 当你从第一转向第二时,第一就在你身后。然后从第二到第三,第二在你后面。我不断地处理事情,而不是停下来。我只想继续前进 —— 一路上发生的一切都只是发生了。

I consider Basecamp, my current business, as one continuous line back from when I sold the first thing I ever remember making — a logo for $50 (which happened to be for Andrei Heramischuk— who knew!). I was 16 or something like that at the time. I didn’t have a goal to make two logos, or to be able to charge $5000 for a logo. I just made logos. And then I made software. And then I made web sites. And now I make software again. 我认为 Basecamp,我现在的生意,是从我以 50 美元的价格卖掉我记忆中制作的第一件东西——一个标志(这恰好是安德烈·赫拉米舒克的——谁知道呢!)开始的。那时我才 16 岁左右。我的目标不是制作两个徽标,也没有为一个徽标收取 5000 美元的费用。我刚刚制作了徽标。然后我制作了软件。然后我制作了网站。现在我又开始制作软件了。

No goals in the process that I remember. 我记得这个过程中没有目标。

I just worked at whatever I was working on and ended up wherever I am. I continue to approach work and life that same way today. 我只是做我正在做的事情,然后就到了我在的地方。今天我继续以同样的方式对待工作和生活。

If I’ve used the word goal, I didn’t mean it that way. It was just the word I picked, a synonym for something else. 如果我使用“目标”这个词,我并不是那个意思。这只是我选的词,是其他东西的同义词。

I really like what Jim Coudal said about goals: 我真的很喜欢吉姆·库达尔关于目标的说法:

“The reason that most of us are unhappy most of the time is that we set our goals not for the person we’re going to be when we reach them, but we set our goals for the person we are when we set them”我们大多数人大多数时候不快乐的原因是,我们设定目标不是为了实现目标时我们将成为什么样的人,而是为了当我们设定目标时我们是什么样的人。

That pretty much sums it up for me. 这对我来说已经很概括了。